Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)
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Journal Article Automated Enactment Tracking for Dynamic Workflows(Springer, 2010) Sauer, ThomasThe notion of workflows is an established concept to coordinate the activities within an organization. However, human workflow participants typically have to explicitly report the steps taken, limiting acceptance and effectiveness of workflow technology. In the presented PhD thesis, the novel approach of automated enactment tracking is introduced to overcome this problem. Using a Multi-Agent System, the data produced during everyday activities is evaluated in a robust and flexible manner. The system applies Case-Base Reasoning to identify the tasks performed, following the principle that similar tasks produce similar data. Agents further collaborate with each other to identify processes enacted in parallel, and to compensate for missing or inaccurate information.Journal Article Knowledge Processing for Cognitive Robots(Springer, 2010) Tenorth, Moritz; Jain, Dominik; Beetz, MichaelKnowledge processing methods are an important resource for robots that perform challenging tasks in complex, dynamic environments. When applied to robot control, such methods allow to write more general and flexible control programs and enable reasoning about the robot’s observations, the actions involved in a task, action parameters and the reasons why an action was performed. However, the application of knowledge representation and reasoning techniques to autonomous robots creates several hard research challenges. In this article, we discuss some of these challenges and our approaches to solving them.Journal Article Semantic 3D Object Maps for Everyday Manipulation in Human Living Environments(Springer, 2010) Rusu, Radu BogdanEnvironment models serve as important resources for an autonomous robot by providing it with the necessary task-relevant information about its habitat. Their use enables robots to perform their tasks more reliably, flexibly, and efficiently. As autonomous robotic platforms get more sophisticated manipulation capabilities, they also need more expressive and comprehensive environment models: for manipulation purposes their models have to include the objects present in the world, together with their position, form, and other aspects, as well as an interpretation of these objects with respect to the robot tasks.The dissertation presented in this article (Rusu, PhD thesis, 2009) proposes Semantic 3D Object Models as a novel representation of the robot’s operating environment that satisfies these requirements and shows how these models can be automatically acquired from dense 3D range data.Journal Article Robot Controllers for Highly Dynamic Environments with Real-time Constraints(Springer, 2010) Ferrein, AlexanderIn this extended abstract we describe the robot programming and planning language Readylog, a Golog dialect which was developed to support the decision making of robots acting in dynamic real-time domains like robotic soccer. The formal framework of Readylog, which is based on the situation calculus, features imperative control structures like loops and procedures, allows for decision-theoretic planning, and accounts for a continuously changing world. We developed high-level controllers in Readylog for our soccer robots in RoboCup’s Middle-size league, but also for service robots and for autonomous agents in interactive computer games.Journal Article Von kognitiven technischen Systemen zu Companion-Systemen(Springer, 2010) Biundo, Susanne; Wendemuth, AndreasDer Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 62 „Eine Companion-Technologie für kognitive technische Systeme“ befasst sich mit der systematischen und interdisziplinären Erforschung kognitiver Fähigkeiten und deren Realisierung in technischen Systemen. Dabei stehen die Eigenschaften der Individualität, Anpassungsfähigkeit, Verfügbarkeit, Kooperativität und Vertrauenswürdigkeit im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung. Die Realisierung dieser so-genannten Companion-Eigenschaften soll menschlichen Nutzern eine neue – auch emotionale – Dimension des Umgangs mit interaktiven Systemen erschließen, wobei diese als empathische Assistenten wahrgenommen und akzeptiert werden.Journal Article Skalierbare Agentenbasierte Simulation – Verteilte Simulation agentenbasierter Modelle(Springer, 2010) Pawlaszczyk, DirkDie Parallelisierung von Anwendungen, d.h. das Zerlegen eines Anwendungsproblems in Teilprobleme, die von mehreren Prozessen getrennt bearbeitet werden können, wird in der Verteilten Künstlichen Intelligenz ebenso wie in der Simulationstechnik seit vielen Jahren diskutiert. Innerhalb der VKI sind die Forscher vorrangig an flexiblen Problemlösungstrategien und Komplexitätsreduktion interessiert. Im Rahmen der Simulationstechnik wird zumeist eine Beschleunigung von Experimenten durch Verteilung angestrebt. In diesem Beitrag werden Strategien zur Parallelisierung von Simulationsmodellen und deren praktische Anwendbarkeit für die agentenbasierte Simulation vorgestellt. Außerdem werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Skalierung dieser speziellen Anwendungsklasse diskutiert.Journal Article Advances in Robot Programming by Demonstration(Springer, 2010) Dillmann, Rüdiger; Asfour, Tamim; Do, Martin; Jäkel, Rainer; Kasper, Alexander; Azad, Pedram; Ude, Aleš; Schmidt-Rohr, Sven R.; Lösch, MartinRobot Programming by Demonstration (PbD) has been dealt with in the literature as a promising way to teach robots new skills in an intuitive way. In this paper we describe our current work in the field toward the implementation of PbD system which allows robots to learn continuously from human observation, build generalized representations of human demonstration and apply such representations to new situations.Journal Article Learning and Recognizing Structures in Façade Scenes (eTRIMS)—A Retrospective(Springer, 2010) Hotz, Lothar; Neumann, BerndScene interpretation is the task of automatically creating descriptions for images. Such descriptions typically contain not only primitive objects but also structures that constitute primitive and structured objects. The learning and recognition of such structures was the objective of the EU project “eTraining for the Interpretation of Man-made Scenes (eTRIMS)”. The retrospective at hand presents main results of this project.Journal Article Approaching Manual Intelligence(Springer, 2010) Maycock, Jonathan; Dornbusch, Daniel; Elbrechter, Christof; Haschke, Robert; Schack, Thomas; Ritter, HelgeGrasping and manual interaction for robots so far has largely been approached with an emphasis on physics and control aspects. Given the richness of human manual interaction, we argue for the consideration of the wider field of “manual intelligence” as a perspective for manual action research that brings the cognitive nature of human manual skills to the foreground. We briefly sketch part of a research agenda along these lines, argue for the creation of a manual interaction database as an important cornerstone of such an agenda, and describe the manual interaction lab recently set up at CITEC to realize this goal and to connect the efforts of robotics and cognitive science researchers towards making progress for a more integrated understanding of manual intelligence.Journal Article News(Springer, 2010)Journal Article Plan-Based Control of Joint Human-Robot Activities(Springer, 2010) Kirsch, Alexandra; Kruse, Thibault; Sisbot, E. Akin; Alami, Rachid; Lawitzky, Martin; Brščić, Dražen; Hirche, Sandra; Basili, Patrizia; Glasauer, StefanCognition in technical systems is especially relevant for the interaction with humans. We present a newly emerging application for autonomous robots: companion robots that are not merely machines performing tasks for humans, but assistants that achieve joint goals with humans. This collaborative aspect entails specific challenges for AI and robotics. In this article, we describe several planning and action-related problems for human-robot collaboration and point out the challenges to implement cognitive robot assistants.Journal Article Vertical Data Integration for Reactive Scheduling(Springer, 2010) Sauer, JürgenWithin supply chains planning and scheduling tasks are spread across several companies and over several hierarchically levels. But the main scheduling direction is top down which means that reactive scheduling in the case of disturbing events is not supported on all scheduling levels of the supply chain. To support a reactive scheduling process in the supply chain this paper presents a concept of vertical data integration using basic data from shop floor to generate events useful in scheduling decisions on higher levels.Journal Article Real-time Image-based Localization for Hand-held 3D-modeling(Springer, 2010) Mair, Elmar; Strobl, Klaus H.; Bodenmüller, Tim; Suppa, Michael; Burschka, DariusWe present a self-referencing hand-held scanning device for vision-based close-range 3D-modeling. Our approach replaces external global tracking devices with ego-motion estimation directly from the camera used for reconstruction. The system is capable of online estimation of the 6DoF pose on hand-held devices with high motion dynamics especially in rotational components. Inertial information supports directly the tracking process to allow for robust tracking and feature management in highly dynamic environments. We introduce a weighting function for landmarks that contribute to the pose estimation increasing the accuracy of the localization and filtering outliers in the tracking process. We validate our approach with experimental results showing the robustness and accuracy of the algorithm. We compare the results to external global referencing solutions used in current modeling systems.Journal Article Willkommen bei Springer(Springer, 2010) Engesser, HermannJournal Article LiSA: Auf dem Weg zur sicheren Assistenzrobotik(Springer, 2010) Schulenburg, Erik; Elkmann, Norbert; Fritzsche, Markus; Hertzberg, Joachim; Stiene, StefanDer vorliegende Projektbericht gibt einen Überblick über das Verbundprojekt „LiSA – Assistenzroboter in Laboren von Life-Science-Unternehmen“, das zwischen April 2006 und Juli 2009 im Rahmen der „Leitinnovation Servicerobotik“ vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gefördert wurde. Im Rahmen des Projektes wurde ein komplexes Servicerobotersystem entwickelt und aufgebaut. Acht Verbundpartner aus Forschung und Industrie entwickelten neue Technologien und Systeme in den Bereichen Navigation, Bildverarbeitung und Multimodale Interaktion. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt des Projektes war die Betrachtung von Sicherheitsaspekten und die Entwicklung entsprechender Komponenten, um einen gefahrlosen Betrieb von Assistenzrobotern zu gewährleisten. Ein wesentlicher Beitrag war dabei die Entwicklung einer künstlichen Haut für Serviceroboter, die orts- und kraftaufgelöst Berührungen erfassen und als Sicherheitssensor eingesetzt werden kann.Journal Article KI braucht Gefühle(Springer, 2010) Dietrich, Dietmar; Bruckner, DietmarWenn wir in der Automatisierung oder der KI Maschinen auf hohem Abstraktionslevel entscheiden lassen wollen, müssen wir uns nach bionischen Überlegungen mit Gefühlen naturwissenschaftlich auseinandersetzen. Nach Aussagen der führenden Gehirnwissenschaftler sind aber Gefühle mit Bewusstsein eng verknüpft. Der Aufsatz spricht die Schwierigkeiten an, zeigt aber auch eine prinzipielle Lösungsmöglichkeit auf, um zu einem einheitlichen Modell des psychischen Apparates zu kommen.Journal Article News(Springer, 2010)Journal Article A SAT Solver for Circuits Based on the Tableau Method(Springer, 2010) Egly, Uwe; Haller, LeopoldWe present an extension of the BC tableau, a calculus for determining satisfiability of constrained Boolean circuits. We argue that a satisfiability decision procedure based on the BC tableau can be implemented as a non-clausal DPLL procedure and that therefore, advances to the DPLL framework can be integrated into such a tableau procedure. We present a prototypical implementation of these ideas and evaluate it using a set of benchmark instances. We show that the extensions increase the efficiency of the basic BC tableau considerably and compare the performance of our solver with that of the non-clausal solver NoClause and the CNF-based SAT solver MiniSat.Journal Article An Agent-based Approach to Autonomous Logistic Processes(Springer, 2010) Gehrke, Jan D.; Herzog, Otthein; Langer, Hagen; Malaka, Rainer; Porzel, Robert; Warden, TobiasThis paper presents the research activities of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 637 “Autonomous Cooperating Logistic Processes—A Paradigm Shift and its Limitations” at the University of Bremen. After a motivation of autonomous logistics as an answer to current trends in increasingly dynamic markets, we sketch the structure and aims of the interdisciplinary CRC. We present several interpretations of the central motive of autonomous control, pursued by sub-projects over the course of the first project period, and focus on an agent-based approach to autonomous logistics.Journal Article Interview: Is SLAM Solved?(Springer, 2010) Frese, Udo