Digital Enterprise Computing

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  • Conference Paper
    Sales 2.0 in business-to-business (B2B) networks: conceptualization and impact of social media in B2B sales relationship
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Rossmann, Alexander; Stei, Gerald; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    In recent years, the rise of the digital transformation received significant importance in Business-to-Business (B2B) research. Social media applications provide executives with a raft of new options. Consequently, interfaces to social media platforms have also been integrated into B2B salesforce applications, although very little is as yet known about their usage and general impact on B2B sales performance. This paper evaluates 1) the conceptualization of social media usage in a dyadic B2B relationship; 2) the effects of a more differentiated usage construct on customer satisfaction; 3) antecedents of social media usage on multiple levels; and 4) the effectiveness of social media usage for different types of customers. The framework presented here is tested cross-industry against data collected from dyadic buyer-seller relationships in the IT service industry. The results elucidate the preconditions and the impact of social media usage strategies in B2B sales relations.
  • Conference Paper
    Feasibility of Bluetooth ibeacons for indoor localization
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Estel, Marcel; Fischer, Laura; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    Location-based Services in buildings represent a great advantage for people to search places, products or people. In our paper we examine the feasibility of Bluetooth iBeacons for indoor localization. In the first part we define and evaluate the iBeacon technology through different experiments. In the second part our solution application is described. Our system is able to estimate the position of the user's smartphone based on RSSI measurements. Therefore we used the built-in smartphone sensor and a building map with required sender information. Trilateration is used as positioning technique in contrast to fingerprinting to minimize beforehand effort. Results are promising but cannot reach the same accuracy level as sensor-fusion or fingerprinting approaches.
  • Conference Paper
    Herausforderungen der Projektfertigung - eine Fallstudie zur Informationsbedarfsanalyse
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Brümmel, Steffen; Schößler, Martin; Lantow, Birger; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    Insbesondere bei Standardlösungen für ERP-Systeme gestaltet sich die Abbildung der fachlichen bzw. technologischen Zusammenhänge der Projektfertigung im ERP-System schwierig. Mit wechselnden Anforderungen in einer Vielzahl von Projekten stoßen die Systeme an die Grenzen ihrer Flexibilität. Ein Großteil der wesentlichen Informationen zu Fertigungsprojekten liegt außerhalb des ERP-Systems. Mit dem Fernziel einer Assistenzfunktion zur Planungsunterstützung in der Projektfertigung, stellt diese Arbeit exemplarisch die Durchführung einer Analyse zur Informationsbedarfsermittlung nach Lundqvist et al. dar. Ergebnisse sind der Nachweis der grundsätzlichen An- wendbarkeit dieser Methode für dieses Ziel, Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung und Analyseergebnisse sowohl für den konkreten Fall als auch in verallgemeinerter Form.
  • Conference Paper
    I*Gov a feeling - ein studienportal für das interaktive heute
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Breu, Manuel; Berndl, Klaus; Heimann, Thomas; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    In Deutschland ist der Weg vom Studieninteressenten zum Studenten geprägt von redundanten Datenerfassungen, vielfältigen Anlaufstationen und komplexen Prozessen. Dieses Beispiel ist symptomatisch für viele weitere digitale Leistungsangebote der öffentlichen Hand. Eine niedrige Akzeptanzrate des eGovernments in der Bevölkerung ist damit kaum verwunderlich. Das Rahmenwerk i*Gov liefert Konstruktionsprinzipien um digitale Leistungsangebote so zu gestalten, wie sie der Bürger erwartet. Dieses Positionspapier skizziert ein interaktives, nutzerorientiertes Studienportal, das sich an diesen Konstruktionsprinzipien orientiert.
  • Conference Paper
    Disruptive Innovationsmethoden im automotiven Produktentstehungsprozess
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Kornherr, Tim; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    Im Rahmen der Vernetzung des Autos drängen neue Wettbewerber in die Automobilindustrie. Mittels disruptiver Innovationsmethoden haben Google, Apple, Facebook und Co. bereits Branchen grundlegend verändert und Marktführer wie Nokia oder Otto innerhalb weniger Jahren abgelöst. Die folgende Arbeit befasst sich mit diesen Methoden und der Fragestellung, wie sie in den automotiven Produktentstehungsprozess integriert werden können, um nachhaltig erfolgreiche Geschäftsmodelle am Markt platzieren zu können.
  • Conference Paper
    Appflation - A phenomenon to be considered for future digital services
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Benzerga, Sheherazade; Pretz, Michael; Riegg, Andreas; Bounfur, Ahmed; Reimann, Wilfried; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    In recent years, the society has experienced a remarkable change that induced shifts in behavior of people and companies. This effect is reinforced by the evolution of current and the emergence of new technologies such as Smartphones. In this paper it is aimed to contribute to the establishment of a research area for both academic and industrial researchers on what will be described in the following as appflation. First a brief evaluation of the effects of mobile devices and application services on the ongoing digital transformation and the customer/company relationship is provided. Second a definition of appflation is given and the origin and impact of this phenomenon is analyzed by considering the customer and the company side. This analysis is supported by a survey amongst Smartphone users, generally confirming that amongst a vast number of installed apps only a very small number actually is used. Additionally, this survey was used to briefly analyze the usage behavior of the participants in relation to the so called primary IT trends. Finally, in order to encourage researchers to advance the field future areas of interest are identified and drivers that will affect the appflation phenomenon in the future are outlined.
  • Conference Paper
    User Engagement in Corporate Facebook Communities
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Rossmann, Alexander; Stei, Gerald; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    The stimulation of user engagement has received significant attention in extant research. However, the theory of antecedents for user engagement with an initial electronic word-of-mouth (eWoM) communication is relatively less developed. In an investigation of 576 unique user postings across independent Facebook (FB) communities for two German firms, we contribute to the extant knowledge on user engagement in two different ways. First, we explicate senders' prior usage experience and the extent of their acquaintance with other community members as the two key drivers of user engagement across a product and a service community. Second, we reveal that these main effects differ according to the type of community. In service communities, experience has a stronger impact on user engagement; whereas, in product communities, acquaintance is more important.
  • Conference Paper
    Experiencing adaptive case management capabilities with cognoscenti
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Collenbusch, Danielle; Sauter, Anja; Tastekil, Ipek; Uslu, Denise; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    In a world with rapidly changing customer requirements and the increased role of technology, companies need more flexible systems to adapt their processes and react dynamically to changes. Adaptive Case Management (ACM) comes into consideration by providing a concept to adapt to changing business conditions. Within our research project we did a first foundational evaluation of the potential of ACM in supporting unpredictable sales processes. Based on a set of criteria we tested the concept of ACM with the open source tool Cognoscenti. The evaluation gave us the possibility to experience the concept of ACM. Hence we were able to provide a statement about the potential of ACM within the context of an unpredictable sales process, setting the path to further research and discussion of ACM in the area of sales processes.
  • Edited Book
    Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2015)
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
  • Conference Paper
    Automatisiertes Data Discovery innerhalb eines Provisionierungstools
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Bonhorst, Heiko; Kopf, Patrick; Meawad, Fekkry; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    Das Provisioning Tool automaIT wurde prototypisch um die Möglichkeit eines Data Discovery erweitert, mit dem Ziel nicht durch automaIT verwaltete Systeme anbinden und steuern zu können. Daten aus dem Data Discovery werden mittels dem Tool Facter gesammelt und können dynamisch in ausführbare Modelle von automaIT integriert und ausgewertet werden. Dadurch kann der Verlauf weiterer Provisionierungsschritte gesteuert werden, ohne dass es eines manuellen Eingriffs bedarf.