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  • Conference Paper
    Providing EA decision support for stakeholders by automated analyses
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Jugel, Dierk; Kehrer, Stefan; Schweda, Christian M.; Zimmermann, Alfred; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    Enterprise architecture management (EAM) is a holistic approach to tackle the complex Business and IT architecture. The transformation of an organization's EA towards a strategyoriented system is a continuous task. Many stakeholders have to elaborate on various parts of the EA to reach the best decisions to shape the EA towards an optimized support of the organizations' capabilities. Since the real world is too complex, analyzing techniques are needed to detect optimization potentials and to get all information needed about an issue. In practice visualizations are commonly used to analyze EAs. However these visualizations are mostly static and do not provide analyses. In this article we combine analyzing techniques from literature and interactive visualizations to support stakeholders in EA decision-making.
  • Conference Paper
    Enterprise architecture management for the Internet of things
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael; Wißotzki, Matthias; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    The Internet of Things (IoT) fundamentally influences today's digital strategies with disruptive business operating models and fast changing markets. New business information systems are integrating emerging Internet of Things infrastructures and components. With the huge diversity of Internet of Things technologies and products organizations have to leverage and extend previous enterprise architecture efforts to enable business value by integrating the Internet of Things into their evolving Enterprise Architecture Management environments. Both architecture engineering and management of current enterprise architectures is complex and has to integrate beside the Internet of Things synergistic disciplines like EAM - Enterprise Architecture and Management with disciplines like: services \& cloud computing, semantic-based decision support through ontologies and knowledge-based systems, big data management, as well as mobility and collaboration networks. To provide adequate decision support for complex business/IT environments, it is necessary to identify affected changes of Internet of Things environments and their related fast adapting architecture. We have to make transparent the impact of these changes over the integral landscape of affected EAM-capabilities, like directly and transitively impacted IoT- objects, business categories, processes, applications, services, platforms and infrastructures. The paper describes a new metamodel-based approach for integrating partial Internet of Things objects, which are semi-automatically federated into a holistic Enterprise Architecture Management environment.
  • Conference Paper
    Evolving enterprise architectures for digital transformations
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Jugel, Dierk; Möhring, Michael; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    The digital transformation of our society changes the way we live, work, learn, communicate, and collaborate. This disruptive change interacts with all information processes and systems that are important business enablers for the digital transformation since years. The Internet of Things, Social Collaboration Systems for Adaptive Case Management, Mobility Systems and Services for Big Data in Cloud Services environments are emerging to support intelligent usercentered and social community systems. They will shape future trends of business innovation and the next wave of information and communication technology. Biological metaphors of living and adaptable ecosystems provide the logical foundation for self-optimizing and resilient run-time environments for intelligent business services and related distributed information systems with service-oriented enterprise architectures. The present research investigates mechanisms for flexible adaptation and evolution of Digital Enterprise Architectures in the context of integrated synergistic disciplines like distributed service-oriented Architectures and Information Systems, EAM - Enterprise Architecture and Management, Metamodeling, Semantic Technologies, Web Services, Cloud Computing and Big Data technology. Our aim is to support flexibility and agile transformations for both business domains and related enterprise systems through adaptation and evolution of digital enterprise architectures. The present research paper investigates digital transformations of business and IT and integrates fundamental mappings between adaptable digital enterprise architectures and service-oriented information systems.
  • Conference Paper
    Konzeption und prototypische Umsetzung eines Architekturcockpits
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2015) Wenzel, Christoph; Jugel, Dierk; Cubukcuoglu, Baris; Breitbach, Sebastian; Gorhan, Tobias; Hammer, Daniel; Zimmermann, Alfred; Rossmann, Alexander
    EAM ist ein holistischer Ansatz, um komplexe IT- und Unternehmensstrukturen darzustellen. Dabei ist es von zentraler Bedeutung diese Strukturen möglichst komplett und übersichtlich zu visualisieren. Ein Ansatz dies zu erreichen ist eine multiperspektivische Darstellung von mehreren Views in einem Architekturcockpit. Dabei können mehrere Views simultan betrachtet und Analysiert werden. Dadurch ist es möglich die Auswirkungen einer Analyse des Views eines Stakeholders simultan aus den Views anderer Stakeholder betrachten zu können um eventuelle Wechselwirkungen zu erkennen und einen allgemeinen Überblick über die Unternehmensarchitektur zu behalten. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir, von der Konzeption über die Umsetzung bis zu einem Anwendungsbeispiel, wie ein solches Architekturcockpit realisiert werden kann.
  • Item
    Open Integration of Digital Architecture Models for Micro-granular Systems and Services
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2017) Zimmermann, Alfred; Schmidt, Rainer; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Jugel, Dierk; Bogner, Justus; Möhring, Michael; Rossmann, Alexander; Zimmermann, Alfred
    The digital transformation of our society changes the way we live, work, learn, communicate, and collaborate. This disruptive change drive current and next information processes and systems that are important business enablers for the context of digitization since years. Our aim is to support flexibility and agile transformations for both business domains and related information technology with more flexible enterprise information systems through adaptation and evolution of digital architectures. The present research paper investigates the continuous bottom-up integration of micro-granular architectures for a huge amount of dynamically growing systems and services, like Microservices and the Internet of Things, as part of a new composed digital architecture. To integrate micro-granular architecture models into living architectural model versions we are extending enterprise architecture reference models by state of art elements for agile architectural engineering to support digital products, services, and processes.