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  • Conference Paper
    Compliance in BPM today - an insight into experts' views and industry challenges
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2014) Kochanowski, Monika; Fehling, Christoph; Koetter, Falko; Leymann, Frank; Weisbecker, Anette; Plödereder, E.; Grunske, L.; Schneider, E.; Ull, D.
    Compliance has evolved into a mature research topic in business process management (BPM). However, most companies and BPM tool providers do not incorporate advanced methods from scientific research into their everyday life. This work gives an insight on the state in the industry based on expert interviews in companies and BPM tool provider companies. Based on this, the findings are condensed in challenges and research questions, showing the need for additional studies.
  • Conference Paper
    Performance-aware application distribution in the cloud
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2014) Sáez, Santiago Gómez; Andrikopoulos, Vasilios; Leymann, Frank; Plödereder, E.; Grunske, L.; Schneider, E.; Ull, D.
    The emergence of Cloud computing and the improvement of resource management techniques have contributed to an increase in the number of application developers that are strong supporters of partially or completely migrating their application to a highly scalable and pay-per-use infrastructure. In this work in progress paper we begin the analysis on how to optimally distribute the application layers in the Cloud in order to adapt its topology to handle oscillating over time workloads. More specifically, through an empirical workload analysis and characterization we present our initial evaluation of an application persistence layer's performance under different deployment scenarios.
  • Conference Paper
    Automatic topology completion of TOSCA-based cloud applications
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2014) Hirmer, Pascal; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Binz, Tobias; Leymann, Frank; Plödereder, E.; Grunske, L.; Schneider, E.; Ull, D.
    Automation of application provisioning is one of the key aspects of Cloud Computing. Standards such as the Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) provide a means to model application topologies which can be provisioned fully automatically. Many automated provisioning engines require that these topologies are complete in the sense of specifying all application, platform, and infrastructure components. However, modeling complete models is a complex, timeconsuming, and error-prone task that typically requires a lot of technical expertise. In this paper, we present an approach that enables users to model incomplete TOSCA application topologies that are completed automatically to deployable, complete models. This enables users to focus on the business-relevant application components and simplifies the creation process tremendously by minimizing the required effort and know-how. We prove the technical feasibility of the presented approach by a prototypical implementation based on the open source modeling tool Winery. In addition, we evaluate the approach by standards-compliance and performance.